School Bus Routes and Snow Routes
Morrison Route
Bus travels Highway 100 through Morrison to Highway J/N. Then to county road 244 and turns around to travel
Highway J/N back to Morrison. The bus continues on Highway 100 to Chamois to return to school.
Snow routes will be blacktop only. The bus will not travel down Main street in Morrison. students on that
street will be picked up at the stop sign at the junction of Third street and Morrison Avenue.
Highway 89 Route
Bus travels Highway 89N to county road 274A, and turns around back to
Highway 89N. The bus turns down highway FF and then turns around to travel Highway FF back to Highway 89N to 7068
Highway 89N. The bus turns around and travels 89N back to Chamois to North Main Street and turns onto North
Cherry Street and turns back onto East Missouri Avenue to Fire Station 2. The bus turns around and travels
East Missouri Avenue back to North Main Street to Highway K to school.
Snow routes will be blacktop only. Students on county road 274A will be picked up
at the junction of 274A and Highway 89 north.
Highway 100 Route
Bus travels Highway 100 to county road 435 and turns around returns back to Highway
100. The bus travels to highway K to county road 322 turns around to return back to Highway K to
Snow routes will be blacktop only. students on county road 435 will be picked up
at the junction of 435 and Highway 100.